Angeliki Athanasiadou
Angeliki Athanasiadou was born in Athens in 1977. She graduated from the School of Architecture of the National Techncial University of Athens (NTUA) in 2003. She completed her Master of Arts in Scenography at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design (UAL) in 2005. She has had several academic placements in European Educational Institutions such as the Landscape Degree of the School of Architecture in Barcelona, Spain, the Architecture School at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Poland. She is a registered member of SADAS, an awarded member of the Technical Chamber of Athens TEE and a member of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture HELIARC.
Her professional experience includes several collaborations with noted architectural firms in Athens such as Thymio Papayiannis and Associates (TPA), Doxiadis+, AKKM DAE engineers. In 2010, together with Katerina Vassilakou she has established her own practice under the letterhead AVW Architecture. Since 2016 she is also a named partner of S & A Consultants, a design, management and technical consultancy firm established in 1985.
Angeliki Athanasiadou has been actively involved in the field of airports. As a technical consultant of the joint venture of Aktor Concessions-Vinci Airports, she was the lead architect for the design and technical support of the consortium for the competition of the privatization of “Privatization of the 14 Regional Airports of Greece” for Clusters A and B. Following the awarding of the competition to Fraport– Slentel Consortium in 2016, she has been awarded the contract for the technical consultancy as the project leader of the associated firms OMETE SA, HM engineering, A. Athanasiadis and K. Kalatzi & Co LP, and AVW Architecture, for Clusters A and B. She is also the co-author and design manager for the South Wing Expansion of Athens International Airport, a project nominated for the EU Prize Mies Van Der Rohe 2022.
Angeliki Athanasiadou has worked both in Greece and in London as a theater designer and curator. She has collaborated with institutions such as the Petrie Museum of Egyptology (UCL London), the 49th British Film Institute and the Edinburgh Festival.; she has assumed the duties of a theatre designer, a director of devised performances and an art director in the UK and in Greece for several theatrical and cinematic events. She has also been involved in academia, as external invited crit and tutor in the School of Architecture in Crete and Athens.
Together with Katerina Vassilakou, she has been repeatedly awarded with distinctions (HELIARCH Architecural awards 2012 and Heliarch architectural Awards 2016, Interior Retail Awards, 6th and 7th Architectural Biennale, German Design Awards and Architizer A+ Awards – In collaboration with Potiropoulos and Partner, and others). They have also been awarded the 2nd annual prize for their Diploma Project by the Technical Chamber of Athens. Their projects have been exhibited in various group exhibitions (Riba Gallery, London, 2nd Biennial of Landscape Design, Barcelona, Byzantine Museum, Athens, Centre of Mediterranean Architecture, Crete, the Benaki Museum, the Michael Kakogiannis foundation etc.)